Exhibition BLOWN, Calgary Arts Centre, Isle of Mull

I am delighted that Mathew and Julia Reade have given me space at Calgary Arts Centre to display some of the latest work in an exhibition called BLOWN - Skies over Mull.

Calgary Arts Centre sits on the edge of the Atlantic and is one of those remarkable places that has evolved over more than a quarter of a century and which continues to change and adapt. Post -lockdown it is well worth a visit, and now with its new outlook tower high on the headland, it is a cultural beacon of optimism that we all need.

A few words on the exhibition.

You can’t escape the dramatic skies over Mull. Wherever and whenever, the clouds are a constantly changing frame to the land below. Shapes and sequences ebb and flow across the ground emerging, evolving and dissipating in moments choreographed by the blowing of the wind.

As ephemeral as the sound of the waves on a shore, natures wind ensemble creates, lifts and sweeps your mind along, funnelling, overlapping, immersing, swathing, twisting even exploding before your eyes, in all its infinite orchestrations. At times flood and spotlit by the sun and moon, at others, up-lit by the glow of settlements and movement on roads and sea, this changing panorama is what these pictures seek to represent.

Please look at the pictures under ‘Art’ and visit or contact Calgary Art Centre at the contact above.